November 3, 2007

Almost missed a day already

I was just heading to bed, 3:30 am comes real quick. When I realized I hadn't posted today. We saw Bee Movie this morning, it was cute. I didn't think it was spectacular or anything, but cute. It even had some education behind it. :p

I did some Christmas shopping this afternoon - online. Got to love online shopping. I ordered some things for the boys, nothing exciting, but some usable items. Nick and I are really having a hard time trying to decide what to get this year. It's such a fun time at this age, but they really don't need anything. Legos are a big thing they are getting because they are really into them. Also some new games (game board type) for all of us to play together. I had thought about getting them a Wii, but Nick was thinking a Play Station II, because they are really cheap now and you can get the games much cheaper now. I had really wanted to hold out on gaming systems, but last year we bought a used Play Station with a bunch of kids games and they didn't over play it as I thought they would. All summer they still wanted to go play outside and run around, the only time they are into the games is when they are stuck inside and have gotten bored with coloring. So, I'm not so opposed to getting them something. I guess if we do that we won't have to get much else. I just don't know, it seems like the older they get the harder it gets.

Don't forget to change your clocks!

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