July 15, 2005

Making progress

I am happy to report that the potty training is coming along nicely. While Aidan still won't poop on the potty, we have had no accidents and he's already coming to me and telling me he needs to go - yeah!

We went to the mall and Target today. He used the potty at the mall, no problem. I can't believe I can already take him out and not have to worry about an accident. See, I knew he was ready.

Hopefully Nick will help him handle the #2 situation this weekend and then we can move onto overnights. Nick can tackle that one while I'm out shopping with my mom. :)

I'm excited for my mom to come down tomorrow and go shopping. We are headed down to the outlet mall in Aurora. I've only been there once and I really liked it. I'm going to have to try and behave myself. It's so hard when you enjoy shopping as much as I do.

Andrea, I know you're on EST so you probably have your book by now. I hope you are enjoying it!!

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