September 6, 2007


I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but to me it seems huge! My house is a mess and I can't seem to get caught up. I was all organized and cleaned and then we had visitors for the entire holiday weekend. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to have guests, but I need to learn to relax about what entails after the fact. Someday - maybe......

We had an awesome weekend. My best friend and her family were down. The kids played, the husbands hung out and we shopped, scrap booked and chatted. It was a very good weekend. I wish A and I were closer, I would love to be able to hang out with her more often.

Ian's speech therapy just isn't going as well as I think it should be right now. Although, I guess I have nothing to base it on, no previous experience or anything. In two weeks the therapist from the school district is coming out to do an evaluation during his regular therapy time. The State totally stops therapy when he turns three, which sadly, is in a few months. So, crossing my fingers that everything will go well and he'll qualify for therapy through the school district.

Ethan and Aidan now share a room. It's fine since they are both in school now. Although next year will be interesting because Ethan will have to leave about 40 minutes earlier than Aidan. My boys NEED their sleep. Some nights they still want to be messing around, like tonight and it makes me think maybe we shouldn't have let them be together. In the end I think they will have good memories and in a few years I think Ethan will be requesting to have a room to himself again. In the meantime I get to have the spare room and make one room in the house look "girly". While I did go out and get a duvet cover with flowers on it they are blue! Well, I did that because the walls were already painted blue, so I figured I just go with the theme. Hey, at least I did get some flowers. :)

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